Presupposition (111H01)

A presupposition is the tendency or basic assumption of someone which is usually affected by how that particular person sees things; therefore, through the presupposition of a civilization or a culture, we can study their worldview. One of the main presuppositions we can see from a culture is the ontology, the study of man or how a particular culture views a man. The antiquity era and the Christendom era have a different presupposition referring to ontology.
The antiquity civilization has a no clear distinction between man and God; they have the same essence. With man and God having the same essence, man thinks that they can be god of his own life. This concept leads to the concept of personal independence which is also derived from a slave mentality. People don’t want anyone to rule over them; therefore, they are waiting for the time of crisis (Ante Bellum Vitae) when they can overthrow the ones on the higher position and live in freedom doing anything we want. On the other hand, the Christian civilization has a clear distinction between God and man, understanding that God is Sovereign. People need God to be part of their life, and they cannot live independently apart from God since God knows the best for our life in the present up to the future.
The modern world today shares almost the same worldviews and presuppositions with the antiquity era. We can see that teenagers today have the concept of not wanting anyone to rule over their life so that they could do anything that they wish; having freedom to do what they want to do. This concept leads to rebellion and disobedience especially toward their authorities who have a higher position; moreover, many people today refuse to trust their life to God because they thought that they are smarter than God. God have given us the freedom to choose either to follow Him with a guarantee for our life or have our own way with the risk and consequences. In most cases, people face disasters and failures when they choose not to follow God’s way. An example from the Bible can be the story of Jonah. God called Jonah to go to Nineveh, but Jonah refuse and went to Tarsus not knowing that a violent thunderstorm is waiting for him on his way to Tarsus.
The people in the world today should change their antiquity presupposition to the Christian presupposition, especially referring to the distinction between man and God which will lead to a realization that we need the Sovereign God in our life; we will face failures and many disasters when we take our own risk. To acknowledge that we have a Sovereign God, people should willingly build their relationship with God and reading more of God’s Word. With following God’s way of life, we will be reformed to become better every day according to God’s purpose for us. When we choose to follow God’s way and purpose for our life, our future success is definite. I should encourage my friends and relative to build a stronger relationship with God so that they may better understand that God is Sovereign and that we need Him in our life. I should also become an example to other by strengthening my own relationship with God through reading His Words and also to put more of my faith to God.
As a conclusion, one of the ways to study the worldview of a culture or civilization is by studying their presuppositions. One of the presuppositions can be the ontology, meaning the study of man. The antiquity and modern civilization sees that a man has the same essence with god that we can actually be our own god that we don’t need anyone to rule over our life; we have the freedom to do anything we wanted. Many times we think that we are smarter than our authorities and even smarter than God; we follow our own ways of life and later end up in failures. The people’s chain of being presupposition needs to change to the Christian presupposition which have a clear distinction between man and Sovereign God; we cannot live independently apart from God. To understand the clear distinction between man and God, we must build our relationship with God and read His Words. I should be an example and encouragement to others by building a better relationship with God and having more faith in God that will lead me to a successful life according to God’s purpose.