Origin of Masculinity (112B03)

                  In general, masculinity is defined as the characteristic of a man or as simply manliness. Masculinity should be owned by a man since God Himself, known as the ideal man, has His masculinity. We should understand that masculinity is bestowed to man as a gift from God; however, it is not simply by our nature or applied since birth. A boy should develop and learn his masculinity to become a man from another man who is mature. Peers and friends cannot instill masculinity to the boy since his friends are not a mature man as well. The ideal man that God have set for us to develop and teach masculinity is our own father. The father is the first person who lays the foundation of masculinity to us in our heart and gives us confidence as we grow; therefore, the son-father relationship is very important.
                  In the modern culture today, many men who were transgendered or gay have lived with a false masculinity. Back then, people were ashamed to admit that they’re abnormal in terms of sex; contradictorily, now, such cases are being clearly exposed and are developing. Those people surely were developed by the wrong image of masculinity which is mostly caused by having bad relationship with their father. Living such life is absolutely unsupported by the Bible since God clearly show the distinctive during the creation of Adam and Eve between the male gender and the female gender.
                  We should understand that having the right image of masculinity when we are young is very essential and will affect our masculinity later in the future. Numbers 6 mentioned that there is an Aaronic blessing that a father should give to his sons. The story of Esau shows how a man who lost the blessing from his father ends up as a wild man in contrast with his brother, Jacob. Although it is the responsibility of the father to show and build the masculinity in us boys, the image of masculinity should not necessarily come from our father. Other mature man such as our relative or mentor could also build and develop the masculinity inside us.
                  As a personal application, the relationship between me and my father was not so good, especially in my younger age. As I was little, my father does not show a good image of man towards me since he does not live a righteous life. It was, therefore, difficult for me to build a good relationship with him even until today although my father has repented for almost seven years. Unlike many of my friends and their father, there is this gap set between me and my father that makes me feel a little awkward when I talk to him. Now I should try my best to forgive my father and forget about the past so that I may develop a good relationship with him. By building the father-son relationship between me and my father, I believe that it is not too late and that there is still a chance for him to develop the masculinity inside to have better quality that I may be ready to become a man and then show an example of masculinity to the following generations. Luckily, during the period back then when my father was not living the righteous life, there was my uncle from my mother’s side who cared for me that he shows the image of masculinity towards me.