Egypt Chronology

Ancient Egypt is one of the mysterious ancient civilizations. The word “Egypt” was mentioned about 560 times in the Bible; therefore, it shows that it is something important. So far, I have learned the timeline of how the earth was created in the Humanities class. The world started with the time of Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden, then the story of Noah and the flood, Nimrod and the tower of Babel, the development of the Mesopotamian civilization where the Bible story of Daniel happens, and then now, we are studying the Egypt civilization. There are three main important points that I spot during the lesson of ancient Egypt. These three things are the protection and isolation of Egypt, the slow and organic development of the ancient Egypt, and also conservative and stable culture.

The ancient Egypt civilization was a very protected and isolated civilization. One of the main and important reason that makes the Egypt civilization very protected and isolated are the natural boundaries. On the west, there are the Sahara deserts which stop the enemy from invading the city from the western area, then on the east Egypt are also protected by the eastern desert, the Red sea, and also the hills and Mount Sinai. On the northern part, the Egyptians are protected by the Mediterranean Sea which makes the enemy to not be able to travel from the land, also at the south; the civilization was protected by a thick tropical rainforest. These natural boundaries give them protection, but it isolates them from the other civilization. In the other words, it’s hard for them to make contacts with the other civilization or also disable them to make trades with other cities. For the self application, through my opinion, I like being isolated is better because I like to be alone; when I’m alone I feel very peaceful, but I just realized that being isolated too often is not good for my social rate. The Bible said that no one can live by themselves, human needs to help each other. I will try my best to get more socialized with my friends so that I could enjoy my life better.

Beside the negative effect of the natural boundaries of isolation, it also gives protection. Because the ancient Egypt civilization is protected, they can develop slowly and also organically. They can develop slowly because they have a very strong protection that guards them from invasions. They also have organic things by having many natural resources. They use this chance to develop their civilization excellently. They use their times wisely because they are protected and develop many things. I realized from this ancient civilization that I need to use my time wisely in order to achieve many great things. I also learned that I need to be very resourceful and use everything that God had prepared for me.

The ancient Egypt civilization culture is very stable and conservative because of their slow and organic development that was also caused by the protection and the isolation from the natural boundaries. The invader that invade Egypt tries to change the Egyptians culture, but indeed that their culture is the one changed by the Egyptians culture. For the self application, I realized that by having a strong faith, I can affect other’s life or change their life to also belief in my faith that I stand strong on. I will try my best to go against the peer pressure and stand on my faith for what is right so that I could also benefit other’s life.

Ancient Egypt is one of the mysterious ancient civilizations. The word “Egypt” was mentioned about 560 times in the Bible; therefore, it shows that it is something important. So far, I have learned the timeline of how the earth was created in the Humanities class. The world started with the time of Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden, then the story of Noah and the flood, Nimrod and the tower of Babel, the development of the Mesopotamian civilization where the Bible story of Daniel happens, and then now, we are studying the Egypt civilization. There are three main important points that I spot during the lesson of ancient Egypt. These three things are the protection and isolation of Egypt, the slow and organic development of the ancient Egypt, and also conservative and stable culture. Because of their protection and isolation, they make a many impacts on our life today. Their worldview is also materialistic, similar to the ancient Mesopotamian civilization worldview and also the modern worldview today.