The Righteous Heart of Charlemagne (111H08)

                  Charlemagne or Charles the Great was the King of the Franks who was considered one of the building blocks of Christianity. He was the son of King Pepin where at the beginning he was initially a co-ruler with his brother Carloman. Later Carloman, wanting to possess the whole kingdom, declared war against Charlemagne where Carloman lost the war and Charlemagne was given control of the whole kingdom. Thereafter, Charlemagne wanted to return Carloman’s kingdom to his family who fled to the Lombard for protection; however, his action was misinterpreted by the Lombard and they declared war toward the Frank and Charlemagne. The war was gain won by Charlemagne allowing his kingdom to expand. To help the western kingdoms from the invasion of the moors, the Pope request help from Charlemagne; Charlemagne fought 53 battles and always won as the defensive site. Beside his military achievements, he also made many contributions toward the culture, especially in the area of justice, education, and church. Knowing his greatness, it’s surprising that Charlemagne was an illiterate person. From Charlemagne we can learn that what make him great should not be his skill, but the righteousness and virtue in his heart. One of the clear instances of Charlemagne’s righteous heart is when he was misinterpreted while visiting the Lombard with a good purpose.
                  In the world today, people tend to focus more on developing their knowledge and skill while neglecting their heart from the right principles and values. We can see that many schools prioritize academics and neglect the character building; therefore, many people today was not able to become someone great like Charlemagne who make changes in his culture and leave a legacy for the next generation. The people who only focus on building their knowledge will only accomplish things for their own benefit and made no difference to others.
                  People should be able to understand that knowledge means nothing without the right principle of truth. The purpose of many people for education is to have change in their minds; however, many of them do not realize that changes come from within. It is important for the schools to also prioritize character building beside the academics so that the students may develop within. With the righteous heart and a trust in God’s purpose, the people will be able to make a change or an impact to the world and leave a legacy to the next generation.
                  Before I enter MSA, I have the wrong mindset just like many people that what is what is important for education is only the academics and grades; I never think about the moral values or character building at all. There is one time when I’m hearing a lecture in the church about the purpose of life, I started thinking that life is so meaningless; furthermore, I also think how everything that I will build in my life such as my study and my future life are all nothing when I pass away. Soon, I realize that I should leave a legacy so that what I have built in my life was not wasted, but I still do not know how to leave such legacy. After I enter MSA, I understand that I should not only live and use my knowledge for my own benefit, but also for other people so that I may make a change in other people or maybe impact the next generation leaving a legacy; therefore, to be able to make a change in other people, I should first change myself from within since changes comes from within. I’m very grateful to God that I’m able to study in a school that also prioritizes the character building so that I may also build a righteous heart.
                  As a conclusion, Charlemagne has shown us how he was able to leave a legacy by making impacts to the cultures although he was illiterate, but what enables Charlemagne to make such impact is his righteous heart. The righteous heart is important such that we will use our knowledge in the right way and that God will also help us throughout our life. In the modern education, the school tends to focus only on the academics and neglecting the character buildings without realizing the importance of the righteous heart. A school should have a balance between the academics and the character building so that students may use the knowledge that they study in the righteous way. Thomas Jefferson, the third president of the United States, says that nothing can stop the man with the right mental attitude from achieving his goal; nothing on earth can help the man with the wrong mental attitude.