As a
human being, we were not able to live without the Grace of God since it is the
only way we can be saved. A grace is the goodness of God towards our sins;
moreover, Grace is the benefits that God have given us through Christ and His
death on the Cross. As a human being with the sinful nature, we don’t deserve
anything including our life today; the only place we deserve is hell. One of
the reasons Grace is difficult to understand, is because Grace actually forces
us to realize that we are a deprived sinner. This matter actually deals with
our pride such that we proudly belief we have live righteously and therefore
does not need the grace of God. To receive the grace of God, we should
understand that Grace is God’s own choice despite of our merit; it requires a
strong faith in God that He is able to save us from our sins; and we need to be
the modern world today, people tend to be prideful that the people don’t
realize that they are actually a depraved sinner. By being pride, the people
will not be able to receive the Grace of God since God said in James 4: 6 that
God opposes the pride. Without God’s Grace our life will be so much harder
because we are burdened down by our sins; consequently, people will face
failures after failures and having difficulties to actually succeed in life.
people should realize and admit that they are a depraved sinner no matter how
good or excellent they are since sins is the nature of human being such that
everybody is a sinner. People should also realize that they don’t have the
strength, no matter how, to save themselves from their own sins; therefore,
they need the grace of God to save them from their sins. On the other words, people
should humble themselves and admit that they are a sinner and hence they need
the grace of God. To be able for us to receive grace, we should first also
understand that the Grace of God was given to us not because of our excellence,
but because of God’s own choice; second, we need a strong faith in God that God
have He actually have the ability to save us from our sins; last, we should
always maintain a humble heart since James 4: 6 also says that God only gives
grace to the humble.
I’m still struggling to admit that I’m a deprived sinner and that I am not
able, no matter how I try, to save myself from my sins. In this case, my pride
becomes the major cause for me to not be able to receive the Grace of God.
Without the Grace of God, my life seems very difficult such that it is not easy
for me to succeed in whatever I’m doing. When I started to realize that I’m a
deprived sinner and that without the Grace of God my life will be difficult, I
started to admit my sins and ask God for His Grace. Since then, I began to feel
that my life was less stressful such that my sins no longer burdens me down
because of the goodness of God towards my sins; additionally, I also feel that
I’m more blessed such that I fully succeed in whatever I’m doing also because
of the Grace of God which enables me to receive the blessings.
As a
conclusion, the Grace of God is a necessity for us to be able to go through
this life and be saved because ourselves alone with our sins, the only place we
deserve to be is in hell; yet, God shows His goodness towards our sins and
forgive them through the work of Christ. The Grace of God does not only forgive
us from our sins, but also enables us to receive more blessings that we did not
deserve to receive at all. In the modern world today, people tend to don’t realize
that they were depraved sinner and that nothing will be able to save them from
their sins beside the Grace of God. With their pride, they were not able to
receive the Grace of God; thus, life will be so much harder for them. On the
other side, when people humble themselves and admit their sins they will be
able to receive the Grace of God which will make their life easier because God
opposes the pride and gives grace to the humble.