Negative Respond of Man (111B12)

Today, man are often depicted and seen as someone who is though and courageous; moreover, fearless. However, that view is only seen and judged based on the outer experience. People seldom and almost never consider about the fear of a man. Does man actually have a fear? What is actually the greatest fear of a man? Through discussion, some can infer that the greatest fear of man is to be caught as a pretender. A pretender can be defined as someone who makes unjustified or false claims or statements about their personal status, abilities, intention, or like. In this case of a man, a pretender could be simplified to someone who looks bold or tough on the outside, but a coward in the inside. Therefore, a man would do anything to cover his fear by responding in a wrong way to challenges and problems.
In the world today, people tend respond in a wrong way when they are faced with problems to cover their fear or weakness. Some people choose to respond either in an active way or in a passive way. The people who choose to respond in an active way are those who become confidently aggressive to cover their actual fear when prompted with problems. Those people are usually pretending that they are strong or skillful and becoming dominant compared to others such that they are the ruler and that they are the decision maker. On the other hand, the people who prefer to respond in a passive way are those who tend to run away or hide when prompted with challenges or problems. Those people often pretended that they are not capable for the challenge and prefer to not take the risk letting others take the risk; moreover, they prefer to become the helpers such that they were unable to make decisions fearing that they will make the wrong decision.
Those people who respond actively to problems, should be able to practice more self-control such that they become lesser aggressive and they should not face problems and challenges by pretending. They should rather bravely admit their limit and try to overcome their weakness in the right way; moreover, they should also be considerate to other people. Therefore, the should focus on building more of their desire to protect other people or in other words, care for other people which is one of the desire and calling of a man. In contrast, people who respond passively to problems should be able to build more confidence in them; furthermore, they should also be a risk taker when prompted with problems and challenges so that they will be able to explore more and gain experiences They should learn to make decisions and being brave to take the risk.
As a self-application, I personally was someone who tends to respond to problems and challenges in a passive way. I'm very seldom confident about myself; consequently, I seldom accept challenges in areas which I'm not experienced with since I dare not take the risk. I also have a real difficulty in making decisions such that I will always ask someone else to decide for me. As a consequence, with this mindset I could never become a leader since a leader should be able to make decisions at all time; moreover, he should be confident in his decisions and dare to take the risk for the decisions that he made. This mindset is built since I'm young because I have the habit to let my mom decide everything for me that I'm not confident taking challenges alone. To be able to overcome this problem, I should practice more of my adventurous desire so that I can become a risk taker which is able to build my confidence to make choices and to take risks itself independently.
As a conclusion, people often respond to challenges and problems in the wrong way. Some people respond actively by being aggressive and dominating; therefore, with this mindset, they become inconsiderate of other people. They should learn to control themselves and consider about other people by practicing more their manly desire of protecting other people. In contrast, some other people respond to challenges and problems in a passive way. This is mostly caused by the lack of confidence; therefore, they dare not take the risk of the challenges. Those people should learn to be confident in them by practicing their manly desire to adventure. We can conclude therefore, that the right way to respond to challenges and problems is by being confident and considerate; we should not pretend when bring prompted with challenges and problems that decisions are made based on wisdom.